How It Works

Our team of scientists are constantly innovating products for the stresses and conditions of modern day that harness the healing powers of the world around us, stemming from ancient knowledge and time tested recipes. Our targeted formulas of organic oils utilize the power of nature to penetrate deep into skin and provide necessary healing where it matters most. 40k+ satisfied customers can't be wrong! Each naturally unique salve contains a customary blend of coconut oil, beeswax, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, and vitamin E.

Coconut Oil, the powerhouse base oil, is anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, promotes new skin growth, softens skin and repairs damage.

Jojoba Oil is very moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, rich in B-vitamins, anti-microbial, forms a powerful barrier on skin that holds in moisture and blocks bacteria.

Almond Oil softens skin, provides necessary vitamins and minerals and has powerful antioxidant properties.

Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that provides UV protection to sensitive wounds and also serves as a natural preservative.

Beeswax (lightened by the sun) holds in moisture and help to give the salves stability - while providing a rich, smooth texture for easy, comfortable application.

Spas find our salves work wonders for your body

Simply apply small amount of solution to targeted area and rub in. Gypsy Gems Healing Salve will fully absorb quickly, leaving your skin moisturized and hydrated with no greasy residue left behind!

GGandJ salve will penetrate and reduce inflammation, relieve pain, itchiness and immediately start healing wounds.

Warm to cream or liquid state for easier application then pipette up solution and use dropper to apply .
Place glass jar in sunny window to liquefy.
Salves may under go natural changes due to temperature fluctuation. They may become firmer in cold temperatures or liquefy in warm. This is a natural process and will not damage or degrade your salve in any way. If product becomes too firm it can be placed in warm water until softened to desired consistency. A salve that has become too soft or liquefied may be moved to a cool dry space to solidify.